Diabetes Education | Humboldt County Memorial Hospital
Humboldt County Memorial Hospital is excited to offer diabetes education services.
We realize that you want to do what is best for your patients and so do we. For that reason, we want you to know that our facility will continue to provide your patients diabetes education.
Our Diabetes Center is staffed by a Certified Diabetes Educator along with Registered Dietitian. Patients will receive education in group or individual setting based on their individual needs:
- Basics of Diabetes
- New diagnosis of Type 1, Type 2, or Gestational Diabetes
- Unexplained or frequent hypo/hyperglycemia
- A1C greater than 8%
- Insulin pump and Continuous glucose monitoring
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Activity and exercise, stress and coping techniques, and risk reduction
- Monitoring blood sugar
- Medication information
- Basic problem solving skills
Times to be referred for Diabetes Education include:
- Newly diagnosed
- Yearly for updated information, change in medications, blood sugars and A1C out of goal, help with weight management, maintain positive outcomes, prevent long term complications
- New complicating factors: change in health conditions, steroid use, physical, emotional, or financial conflicts
- Transitions in care: switch to new health insurance, moving to assisted care facility, age related changes
Advanced Referral scenarios can include:
- A1C greater than 8%
- More than 50% of blood glucose readings out of goal
- Unexplained or frequent hypo/hyperglycemia
- New or worsening comorbidities
- Planning pregnancy with diabetes
- Identifying barriers and management
- Change from oral medications to insulin
- Increase in complexity of medications for diabetes
- Smart meters or dosing calculators
Diabetes Prevention Sessions
Did you know….Prediabetes affects 1 out of 3 American adults.
That is more than 84 million people.
Did you know…..Participants of Diabetes Preventions Sessions cut their risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes in half.
HCMH trained staff follow the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) research based prevention program to help people prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes.
Let us help you prevent Type 2 Diabetes and be a part of a healthier community, more productive workforce, and lower health care costs.
We thank you for trusting us with your patients and look forward to offering them the best in Diabetes Education. For additional information about services offered, please call the Diabetes Center at 515-332-7643.

Jennifer Dewinter, RN, BSN, CDE, Diabetes Educator
1000 15th Street North, Humboldt, IA 50548
Phone (515) 332-7643 | Fax (515) 332-7616