Humboldt County Memorial Hospital Emergency Preparedness & Response Building

Press Release – Emergency Preparedness and Response Building Construction Update – March 15, 2021

Our new Emergency Preparedness and Response Building is making great progress and beginning to show its shape. As we continue the construction of this new building, minor traffic rerouting will be necessary as we tie in the water and sewer to the building. This will be a 3 phased approach. Phase 1 will begin on Monday, March 22nd through Wednesday March 24th, in which the primary drive to our facility will be under construction. During this time, ALL vehicles entering the facility will need to enter through the southeast side of the main parking lot off North 15th Street. Signs will be present to help you navigate through our construction. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this closure may cause. We encourage you to still keep your appointments and utilize all of our services. If you are unable to park close to the entrance and need a wheelchair, please call 515-332-4200 when you arrive and one of our staff members will be able to assist you. Please also feel free to utilize our Transportation Department which is available Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Rides need to be made 48 hours in advance.

For your safety, please make sure that you obey signage and stay out of any construction zones. For questions or concerns, please contact us at 515-332-4200.

Our website, will provide updates on the status of this project and any other lane and/or road closures. 

Stayed tuned for updated information on Phase 2 beginning March 29th and Phase 3 beginning April 5th

We again would like to thank you for your patience during this time. 

Michelle Sleiter, CEO  

HCMH Board of Trustee Meeting December 3, 2020


“This is something that has been in our long-term strategic planning, but with COVID it brought it to a head sooner,” HCMH Chief Executive Officer Michelle Sleiter said.

“Primarily this building will be put up to respond to the emergency preparedness steps we are in right now,” Sleiter said.

The building will be a little over 4,000 square feet and will be on the grassy knoll east of the helipad, at the northeast corner of the HCMH campus.

“It will give us three drive-throughs for testing and vaccination distribution,” Sleiter said. “It will allow residents from Humboldt County to do drive-through testing and be on their way. The primary difficulty we currently have is that any outside site has to be climate controlled for the tests to accurately work,” Sleiter said. Obviously the climate in Iowa in November and December is far from controlled.

“We will coordinate with public health for a drive-through vaccination site for other viruses and diseases in addition to COVID-19,” Sleiter said.

“When this building is not in use for those purposes, it will also house our expanding ambulance fleet and first responders. We will be able to house our ambulances, our bus, our truck and related equipment,” the CEO said.

Sleiter said the current ambulance garage is in a poor location regarding foot and vehicle traffic from employees and visitors. It would get the ambulances away from other vehicles that are entering the emergency room area.

“We are doing a lot of transports for COVID patients and there is a two-hour sterilization period where that ambulance would be out of service,” Sleiter said. “Having this site would give us room to have the ambulances sit inside with the doors open while they are undergoing the decontamination process.”

There will be a small washroom, storage area and perhaps a sleeping room. The hospital is in the process of hiring more paramedics and EMTs to provide for greater needs than the volunteer crews can provide.

In a special meeting on Monday morning, the Humboldt County Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees awarded a contract to Sande Construction to build a new Emergency Preparedness and Response Building.

Sande Construction had the low bid of $1,011,542. Woodruff Construction’s bid was $1,406,300. The project was estimated at $908,930.

The hospital will be able to utilize CARES funds gathered from the U.S. Health and Human Services Department due to the pandemic.

The building will be approximately 4,000 square feet and will be built on the grassy knoll east of the helipad, on the northeast corner of the HCMH campus.

Construction start date is December 7 and the project is slated to be completed by June 30, 2021.

**Article information provided by Humboldt Newspapers



Notice is hereby given that there are on file with the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of the Humboldt County Memorial Hospital (the “Hospital”) proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated costs for improvement projects to include improvements to and the acquisition, construction, equipping and furnishing an Emergency Preparedness and Response Building located on the Hospital’s campus at 1000-1010 North 15th Street, Humboldt, Iowa (the “Hospital Campus”) and related land improvements, all located on the Hospital Campus (the “Project”).

            A hearing will be conducted thereon at a meeting of the Board of the Hospital to be held in the Foundation Conference Room at the Hospital located at 1000 North 15th Street, Humboldt, Iowa, at 7:30  o’clock a.m., on the 24th day of November, 2020 at which time and place any person may appear and file objections to the proposed plans, specifications and form of contract and estimated costs for said Project.

Published upon order of The Board of Trustees of the Humboldt County Memorial Hospital.

Notice of Letting