HCMH Employee Given Outstanding Teaching Teach Award from ICCC

The Outstanding Teaching Tech Award is presented to a teaching tech who always goes the extra mile so students get the best clinical and educational experience. They are patient, always willing to answer questions, and spend extra time with our students to ensure they master what they are learning and experiencing each day at clinical. They model healthcare professionalism and go above and beyond to make sure our students understand the complexity of what it takes to become a great medical laboratory technician.

This award was created by Iowa Central Community College in 2022 to give students an opportunity to recognize and nominate a teaching tech who had a strong, positive impact on their clinical experience. Students submitted their nominations, and the winner was selected by a panel of unbiased Iowa Central faculty and staff.

This year's recipient was Sherry Kunert, Lab Supervisor here at Humboldt County Memorial Hospital (HCMH). Sherry has been with HCMH for 40 years!

"This award is a well deserved recognition for Sherry's many years of teaching students. Sherry enjoys sharing her knowledge and experience with students, and students respond to her caring and thoughtful approach. Sherry loves that lightbulb moment when student connect their academic studies to clinical practice." - Jason Gruver, Lab Director